The Learning curve

I use Fedora, a Linux operating system, for all my editing. I both love it and get very angry with it.
Most of the industry software doesn’t work on Linux but the software that does work on Linux is built by a community of very clever people.

I did a trip a couple of weeks ago and was focusing on a shot of the Galactic Centre rising. My first couple of locations didn’t work but on the third night I got a bit of luck.
I found a spot on Lake Hawea that would frame the Galactic Centre between two mountains and lake in the foreground.
The moment came and I snapped of a couple of dozen shots. I get home and start editing an image.

I have one 90 second exposure for the foreground and 4 exposures focused on the stars. I chose the best exposure and started editing, I’m still learning star-scape photography so it took me ages to get something I was happy with. It looked okay but it wasn’t great.

Galactic centre rising

I have four images of the same frame and decided to find a way to stack them. I found a piece of software called Siril.
Siril isn’t flashy but it works like a charm. It’s going to take time to get to know this software but I’m excited by the prospect. Take a look…

Galactic centre rising 2

The little Tractor

As usual I had no idea where I was going, sometime after midnight I saw the Millers Flat bridge. I’d been thinking about going that way and seeing the bridge confirmed it. I continued along the Clutha keeping my eye out for a road I kinda remember but didn’t find it. I ended up stopping just under the Roxburgh Hydro Dam

roxburgh dam at night

What a spot to stop! There had been flooding a week before and the dam was still spilling. I had a problem with the full moon but everything else was setting up perfectly. I decided to frame out the moon and try and get a shot with just the cloud and the end of the spillway.

Roxburgh dam spillway at night

I’ve been thinking about the star Betelgeuse lately, wondering if it is about to go super nova. Man that would be a photo. Anyway I was really happy with the way Orion is framed in this capture and in case you don’t know, Betelgeuse is a part of Orion. The other funny thing is, we have a power company called Orion here in New Zealand….

Well it amused me.

I had a beautiful sleep listening to the roar of the spillway.

I woke up excited, breakfast at Jimmy’s Pies, what could be better. I grew up on Jimmy’s Pies as a kid and I’m still eating them but straight from the oven is a real treat. I was off into Roxburgh, I had to visit the Loo first. This annoyed me a little but best get it out of the way before Jimmy’s. Finally the time had come, I did a u-turn and parked right in front.

Without even getting out of the van I could tell, Jimmy’s Pies in Roxburgh doesn’t open on the weekend.

Jimmy's Pie

I had talked about lake Onslow with my uncle the night before so that’s where I was going. I found the turn off, the seal ended and the van, and I, started climbing. The road wasn’t in bad condition, a bit gouged from all the rain recently but passable.

Map of the area

It just kept going up and up deep into tussock country, at the summit Lake Onslow spread out before me.

Keeping an eye out for possible locations for later in the day, I made my way down the road and along the lake until I came to a small dam. This was me for an hour or two.

Onslow Dam

It was just beautiful up there but I wasn’t really feeling it, so after a cup of tea and something to eat I headed back up the hill. I pulled over on the summit and got out to stretch my legs and take in the view. I turned around I saw….

Little tractor

Now I’m feeling it! I park up and decide this is where I’m staying the night. Sleep time! It’s still 4 hours until the golden hour. The after noon drifted by and when the light started improving I set up some shots. I worked out a shot of the milky way where I could light paint the tractor later in the evening.

My plans were quickly dashed as just as the light was coming right the cloud came rolling in. I was enveloped in the cloud in no time. I headed down the mountain stopping to grab some snaps on the way.

Scenic shot

I found a nice place to park up and slept for a few hours before heading home.

Scenic shot

I had a great trip and got a couple of good shots for my troubles 🙂

First One

My name is John Barrow and I live in the far south of New Zealand. I’m a very, part time, amateur photographer. When I do get the chance, I have an old yellow van I can get away in.

Yellow van

I’ve always been a video person and for that purpose only, I purchased a Canon 550d sometime back. It took me a long time to actually start using it to take photos and its been a long, steep learning curve ever since. I still have the 550d and I also have a Canon 5d mk4.

When asked what sort of things I shoot, I answer “mostly things in front of me”.

I live far enough South to enjoy the Aurora Australis, a coast that’s exposed to the southern ocean and a very large, diverse backyard.

I’m going to share my experiences to give context to my photos as well as passing on tips and tricks I learn on the way.

If I’m the only one to read this , that’s okay too 🙂